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Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

  The Andersons 3

  Body Rocks

  A victim of attempted sexual assault, Samantha Anderson is understandably wary of men. Then Daniel Ferris, a close family friend, arrives in her hometown of Silver Creek, Montana.

  Daniel hasn’t seen Samantha for three years. When he turns up on her doorstep, he is totally blown away. With knowledge of the attack, he is happy for Samantha to set the pace in their ensuing red-hot relationship.

  One sizzling kiss from Daniel is all it takes for Samantha to realize that this gorgeous man is for keeps. She knows Daniel will never lie to her or keep secrets. She can trust him with her heart. And her virginity.

  But Daniel does have a secret. To reveal it, he believes, spells disaster for their relationship. Will keeping his mouth buttoned rip their love apart, or will the shock appearance of his long-dead half brother, Sam Carrick, do it for him?

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 49,289 words


  The Andersons 3

  Marie Jermy


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2012 by Marie Jermy

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-924-8

  First E-book Publication: August 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To the best in-laws in the world—mine!


  The Andersons 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  Standing before the cheery-yellow painted front door, Daniel Ferris silently cursed himself for not being more presentable, gave his T-shirt and jeans a quick dust down, then raised his hand to knock. The door, however, was suddenly thrown open, and he was almost bowled over by the enthusiastic greeting made by the short, slim, fifty-six-year-old firecracker of a woman that was his godmother, Jess Anderson.

  “Daniel! It’s about time you damn well visited—”

  She abruptly stopped, and Daniel knew why. Sweeping her up into his arms, he gave her a huge bear hug. Just like his mother, Scarlett, Jess was as light as a feather. His mother and Jess were not related, but a twenty-seven year friendship, and one that would probably last as long as they lived, saw them as close as sisters. “I know about Sam,” he murmured softly against her hair. She pulled away slightly, nodded, and then peppered his face with affectionate kisses. He laughed and tilted his head back so he could speak. “Since I was in the neighborhood, I thought it was the least I could do.”

  “In the neighborhood? Daniel, I hardly call sticking your head in the San Andreas Fault to see what color the soil is as being in the neighborhood.”

  Daniel was a geologist with an interest in seismology. He again laughed and set Jess down. “I’ve been in Yellowstone, sticking my head in a geyser.” He followed her inside and glanced around. His gaze immediately fell upon the mantel above the stone fireplace. There was no trace of what he was looking for amongst the many birthday cards. Three decades ago, his half brother, Sam Carrick, who was thirty-two years his senior, and his godmother, Jess, had been detectives for the LAPD. They’d been partners and lovers, too, and the photograph taken of them together was gone. “Where is it?” he asked, knowing she knew exactly what he referred to.

  “I’ve put it away. It was time. Way past time.” Jess joined him and tenderly mapped his face with her fingers. “You look so much like him.”

  “It can’t be easy for you to look at me and not see him instead. Even after all these years.”

  She shrugged, and her hands fell to her sides. “It couldn’t have been easy for you to find out that Sam’s your half brother, either.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Daniel released a pent-up breath. “I think I’ve always known. Sam and Dad looked alike, too. And Dad always ignored that photo whenever we visited for the holidays. I knew something was up. I put two and two together but didn’t make four until Christmastime when Dad revealed all.” A thought occurred to him. “Do—”

  “No, they don’t,” Jess interjected, anticipating that Daniel wanted to know if she and her husband, Ross, had told their children, Ross Junior, Matt, Ramona, and Samantha. “We haven’t said anything. Not going to, either.” Her voice turned as solemn as he’d ever heard it. “You now know of your father’s criminal past. And you know it’s not something he’s particularly proud of. When Ray saved my life, Ross and I made a promise to him never to reveal his crimes. Since Sam was part of your father’s past…Well, the same promise stood.” She sighed deeply, almost wistful. “We tried to reason with Ray about that. We couldn’t understand his logic. But he wouldn’t be swayed. Ross and I have never broken our promise, Daniel. Nor will we. Of course, you and Jessica had a right to know. Sam is part of your family, after all. I was glad when your father told you. I don’t know why he waited so long, really. Perhaps he was pushed into it?”

  Daniel smiled at the not-so-subtle hint for more information. He
didn’t know why, though. His godmother probably knew every little detail. “Yeah, he was pushed. Jessica found that photo of you and Sam in our attic, and she wanted to know about it. I think if she hadn’t found it, Dad would have remained quiet and we’d be none the wiser.

  Jess’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “More than likely. Ray is as stubborn as a mule. Anyway, like I said, I’m glad that you and Jessica know. As for my children, I don’t think they need to know. It’s got nothing to do with them. The past is the past, and in their case, it should stay that way.”

  Daniel nodded, though not in understanding. Considering how open and honest his godparents were, he thought their reasoning for remaining silent strange. He sensed trouble ahead. Sam Carrick’s photo had been part of the Anderson mantel for as long as Daniel could remember. Now that it was gone, it wouldn’t take long for somebody to notice. And though he lived in New York, Daniel had a feeling that Ross Junior would be the first. That’s if he hadn’t already done so. He knew Ross Junior had been home visiting when Samantha was attacked. For some reason, Ross Junior harbored an intense dislike toward Carrick, even though the man died thirty years ago, before Ross was even born.

  “I know you can’t speak for your sister, but I don’t want you saying anything either,” Jess added.

  The steely edge behind the soft tone was difficult to ignore. Definitely trouble ahead. In fact, the more Daniel thought about it, the more he knew his godmother was wrong. However, since Jess had respected his father’s wishes to remain quiet, it was only right that he should do the same. The only problem he could see was the similarities between him and Sam. That wasn’t his fault, though. He couldn’t help being almost identical in looks to his half brother, now could he? Like their father, they even shared the same gold-flecked blue eyes. But then again, so did his sister, Jessica.

  Jessica had also already told him their family secret was safe with her. She’d been adamant when she’d said that no matter how far she was pushed, even if it was Ross Junior doing the pushing, she wouldn’t be revealing it. Daniel inwardly grimaced. Jessica would more than likely be a pushover, now that she and Ross Junior were an item.

  “Jessica won’t say anything,” Daniel assured his godmother. It wasn’t exactly a lie. He just hoped that if his sister did say something, that one, there was a damned good reason for it, and two, that Ross Junior kept it to himself. He’d hate to see the Andersons and Ferrises falling out over something nobody could do anything about. In one respect, Jess was right, the past was the past. No amount of arguments was going to bring Sam back. He was dead. End of story.

  “And neither will I,” Daniel added. He then changed the subject. “So, apart from Ross Junior, who I know has become a quick study in geology by getting his rocks off with my sister back in New York, where are the rest of the Anderson clan?”

  Jess smiled at his comment, which was neither said out of spite nor with embarrassment. “Mona and Sammy are out back helping Ross in the garden. And Matt’s on duty.”

  He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Dad told me about what happened with Sammy. How is she?”

  “Considering Raven’s been posted bail and is living a half mile away, she’s coping remarkably well.”

  “Posted bail?” he choked, incredulous. “Fucking hell— Ah, sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I used words far stronger than that.”

  Daniel didn’t doubt it. He knew his godmother could curse a blue streak to rival that of his father’s. “So, Raven’s living with his parents?” he mused, narrowing his eyes and stroking his chin in an over-the-top, fiendish way. “Hmm, maybe it’s time I told the Ravens about the volcano under their house. In the interest of their safety, it might be wise for them to move out.”

  “I think they’re used to volcanic eruptions,” Jess said, referring to her own temper.

  Daniel nodded and put on an extremely highfalutin and scholarly voice. “Yes, yes, of the Anderson class. But I’m talking about the super volcano of the Ferris class. Ten times more deadly, because with this volcano, it’s extremely hard to predict when an eruption is going to take place.”

  She broke out into hysterical laughter. “Oh, Daniel, it’s so good to have you here. Are you staying long?”

  “I’ll stay as long as you want me to. I need a vacation, and the hiking around these parts is brilliant.”

  “Have you got anywhere to stay?”

  “I got lucky at the B and B. As I entered the reception, somebody was checking out. However, apart from breakfast, I will be imposing myself on you at other mealtimes. I’ve heard the cooking in these parts is brilliant, too.” He laughed heartily when she slapped him on the arm. His godmother was the female equivalent of the British chef Gordon Ramsay, but without the cooking skills.

  There was then a shriek of delight, and into the room bounded Ramona Anderson. Or was it Samantha? Daniel never could tell them apart. They were identical in every sense, from the chestnut-colored hair, the emerald-green eyes framed by long, dark lashes, the high cheekbones, and the full lips. Even their five-foot-three, slim bodies with generous curves in all the right places were identical.

  “Well, well, well, look who’s here. It’s Danny Boy.”

  “Hi, er…?”

  “Ramona. As you can see, I’ve had my hair cut. You won’t have any difficulty in telling us apart anymore.”

  He grinned. “Right. Suits you.”

  “Do you think?” Ramona asked, lightly touching the soft spikes. “I wasn’t too sure at first, but it’s growing on me.”

  He groaned under his breath at Ramona’s wit. “Happy birthday for yesterday. I’m sorry I forgot presents, but I’ll take you and Sammy to Rustlers for drinks to make up for it.”

  There was then another delighted shriek, albeit more muted, and Samantha Anderson walked into the room.

  And that was when Daniel forgot how to breathe.

  Though he’d met women with green eyes before, they never stole his breath away quite like the Anderson women, and none more so than Samantha’s. Talk about wide-eyed, innocent, and luminous. Openly staring—he couldn’t help it—his gaze traveled slowly from the shoulder-length, chestnut tresses, down the muck-covered T-shirt and jeans to the equally mucky boots. Then, just as slowly, his gaze traveled back up again.

  And stuck fast on the pair of nicely-proportioned breasts.

  That’s when he noticed, or rather felt, something else—his heart was hammering, speeding faster than a bullet train. Now that didn’t happen three years ago when he’d last seen her. In fact, it had never happened before. And it certainly wasn’t happening when he managed to wrench his gaze away from those breasts and back to Ramona.

  “Long time no see, Daniel,” Samantha said softly.

  “Too long,” he croaked. He swallowed and tried that again. “Too long.” Ah, that was better. He no longer sounded like a frog with laryngitis. “Happy birthday for yesterday. Like I just told Ramona, at Rustlers, the drinks are on me.”

  “You’ll have dinner with us, won’t you?” Jess asked.

  “I’m not exactly in my Sunday best,” he replied, grimacing at his own dusty T-shirt and jeans.

  Samantha smiled. “Join the crowd.”

  His throat dried up again. That smile of hers was as sexy as sin.

  “Dinner won’t be ready for another hour or so, so there’s plenty of time for you two to take a shower,” Jess said, and pointed upstairs.

  His throat was now as dry as the Mojave Desert. Take a shower? Before or after Samantha? Either way it was going to be torture for his testosterone-laden body. Visions of hot and soapy water running between those attractive-looking breasts and over the rest of Samantha’s curvy body entered his head. Oh, Christ. Now he had a hard-on to go with his parched throat. Any shower he would be taking would be ice-cold and back at the B and B.

  Daniel backpedaled out of the front door, whacking his elbow against the jamb in his haste. “I really couldn’t impose on you like that. I’ll tak
e a shower at the B and B. Be back later.”

  * * * *

  Samantha watched Daniel leave, very much aware of her flushed face and the warm glow which had settled low in her belly at the timbre of his voice. She couldn’t believe that that was the same Daniel Ferris from three years ago. She turned and ran up the stairs. What had happened to turn him into that heartthrob? Or maybe he’d always been like that and she hadn’t noticed. She groaned under her breath. She must have been blind because the six foot tall, tanned Daniel, with his short, flicked-back dark-blond hair, blue eyes, and muscular chest under the tight-fitting T-shirt he’d worn was simply mouthwateringly gorgeous.

  She quickly undressed and put her dirty clothes in the laundry hamper in the bathroom. While she stood under the hot, pulsating water of the power shower, she again groaned, only this time it was louder. She really shouldn’t be thinking that way. Her encounter at the hands of Mark Raven had well and truly put her off men.

  Samantha timed her shower to perfection, and emerged with body aglow but fingers and toes unwrinkled. Wrapping her body in a large towel, she crossed to her bedroom. After Raven’s attack, she’d moved back in with her parents, mainly because she didn’t feel safe in her own home on Second Street in Silver Creek. Sure, Matt still lived with her—Ramona was residing at the veterinarian practice that she co-owned—but she didn’t feel comfortable in the house by herself when Matt was out on duty.

  So she’d returned home, quickly followed by Matt and Ramona, though her sister only stayed night times. She suspected Matt had only moved back because big brother Ross had told him to. It wasn’t like she didn’t appreciate it, because she did. She’d drawn a lot of strength from being surrounded by her family. She still experienced nightmares, though. Hence the reason why her doctor had prescribed sleeping pills.